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Concrete & Steel Center of Excellence E-book

Concrete & Steel Center of Excellence E-book

SKU: consteelebk276

   It has been estimated that one out of eight children in the United States go to bed hungry, which is a deplorable commentary on the human morality in the U.S., especially when we live in the richest country in the world. Hunger is a preventable and does not equate to a Social-Illness and disease. A disease which could be controlled and eventually completely eradicated, but due to the lack of an effective program, we are forced to depend on a government that does not even give a damn about our New Afrikan/Global Afrikan children and community. A government that is quick to build new prisons to incarcerate our children. My People, at present we own no means of mass-food production or distribution. Many of our children/people are forced to resort to dehumanizing means just to get food. None of our children or people in general for that matter should be forced to eat out of garbage cans or soup kitchens. Soup kitchens, government-sponsored hand-outs should not become a permanent infrastructure within our communities. The time has come for us as a people and global community to develop our own means to feed our people and community. This proposal was originally written back in 1997, its original title was: “The New Afrikan Community Department of Agriculture,” and has been revised twenty (20) times. Many people/community and organizations have only paid lip service to the implementation of our proposal. We can no longer afford to depend on people and organizations outside of our community to promote or implement this proposal. So from my prison cell, where I've been for the past 34 42 years, while spending the last 32 years in solitary confinement, I intend to promote and implement this much-needed proposal.

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