Ground breaking community Activism
Welcome. We’re The Concrete Scholars, and we’re helping the community with our groundbreaking solutions and business ideas. Our activism has already been recognized by community leaders and our scalable business model is setting the trend for community standards. Curious to find out more? Browse through our website, and get in touch if you would like to request more information.
Innovators. Dreamers.
The concrete scholar is a small collective of Black Prisoners who have committed their lives towards uplifting the Afrikan Amerikan community and transforming the black criminal gangster mentality into a mid-set designed to serve the best interest of our communities. Abdul Shakur is the creator of the concrete scholars collective, and is also one of its most prolific activists. This particular website is devoted to the work and contributions of brother Abdul Olugbala Shakur. We also intend to use this website as a platform and medium to rally support for Abdul who has been in prison approximately 40 years now, and has spent 32 plus years of this in solitary confinement/isolation. We believe that his work from prison will benefit all of society, and not just the Afrikan-Amerikan communities. My name is Sharifa Shakur, I am the creator of this website and its primary coordinator. I am also the wife of Abdul Olugbala Shakur whom I have been married to for 21 years and have fought by his side unconditionally.
Please click this link & visit Abdul's Linkedin page


By Abdul Olugbala Shakur
1} “The Pan-Afrikan Global Commissioner Against Huger”
This is a proposal designed to eradicate hunger and starvation via the Black Diaspora. We understand
that this proposal alone will not eradicate Black Hunger, this can only be accomplished working in conjunction with other efforts.
2} “Black community Emergency Response Network Manual.”
After Hurricane Katrina we really learned how unprepared our communities were in the face of a Natural/Crisis: The Covid-19 pandemic is also once again displaying our vulnerability as an unprepared community. This pamphlet for our people/community has the necessary and required information that would increase their capacity to survive a Natural/Crisis.
This Network is specifically designed to find our missing Black Children and women; but what distinguishes us from the rest, is our primary function to prevent the abduction and/or rape and molestation of our children and women. (We do have a mission Statement).
4} New Afrikan Criminology 101 Academy:
Nobody understands the crime problems in our communities like we do. The Government/Law enforcement has failed to find a solution to this problem, in fact it is not their responsibility to resolve this problem, it is our responsibility to stabilize our communities, which encompasses the eradication of Black Criminal behavior.
5) Operation Hip-Hop Rescue:
Our Collective has developed our own methods for addressing Black Gang activities/violence. We believe that the Black Gang can be transformed into community-based groups designed to serve our community. This proposal is designed to facilitate the transformation of Black Gangs and remove the negative elements.
6) Marcus Garvey Study Group:
The MGSG is a project that is specifically designed to teach our History, especially about those Individuals that are not mentioned for the most part in mainstream schools. We believe if they knew their true history they would not find that need to resort to, then selling of drugs in order to survive.
7) George Jackson University (GJU):
The GJU was designed to transform the Prison Industrial Sate-complex into the largest University in the country designed to facilitate the transportation of our imprisoned brothers and sisters. We also have a radio program that is hosted by Bomani Shakur, GJU radio, providing community activists with a platform to share their programs and what is going on in their area, as well as in the country. We also use this platform to work with other community-based groups. The GJU radio program is on every Wednesday from 5:00 p.m. to 7 pm,516-387-1306 call in and listen or visit www.georgejacksouniversity-gju.com
8) www.Insurrectioistsartcollective.com
This business was created by Abdul Olugbala Shakur and Joka Heshima Jinsal.
Business Involvements:
This business is to inform and entertain on African American comic books around the world as well
as animation and graphic arts.
Black Panther Party Press
This small press has been around for 30 years and was first on the web in 1998
Informative and alternative healthy hemp product for legal medical purposes.
Note: If brother Abdul Olugbala Shakur is released from prison he will have multiple jobs available to him. This is relevant towards meeting the Board of Parole Hearing criteria; they require stable work and the ability to make a living. With regards to all the listed books ad booklets they all can be purchased at Amazon.com
Abdul's Linkedin
Organic shae butter and black soap from ghana, the village of sulugu, Chief of Sulugu Royal Family and CEO of Sulugu Corporation Limited